Assist. Support. Empower.

About Support The Players National Emergency Trust (NET)
Support The Players National Emergency Trust (NET) is an independent emergency and charitable trust fund created by the NWSL Players Association to assist current and former players with financial hardships. Support The Players NET will provide financial assistance to players who cannot afford basic living expenses and will remove cost as a barrier to accessing mental health services.
Our athletes are underpaid and face financial hardships despite being among the top professional soccer players in the world. This fund was launched to address that need. On top of that, the systemic abuse revealed by current and former players during the 2021 Season will have a lasting impact on players’ health. This fund seeks to remove cost as a barrier to any player accessing the resources and support they need.
All current and former players who are members in good standing with the NWSL Players Association are eligible to apply.
If you are a former player, click here to download an NWSL Players Association Former Player Membership Application

Kick In & Support the Players NET!
#SupportThePlayersNET is the only emergency and charitable fund that was created and authorized by the NWSLPA. SupportThePlayers.Net is a project of National Women’s Soccer League Players Emergency & Charitable Fund (IRS 501(c)(3). Proceeds go directly to funding players’ needs.
Application Process for Player Association Members
In order to qualify for a NET grant, you must be an active or former player who is a member in good standing with the NWSLPA. Former players who signed a pro contract in NWSL, WPS, or WUSA are eligible to join the NWSLPA as former players by clicking HERE.
All Players Association members can apply by clicking HERE.